General Workshops in NEREID will involve all technology sectors, and allow for synergies among different topics and roadmap coordination. Specific application requirements will also be included, based also on the progress of the roadmap and the evolution of technology. These Workshops will build on the consolidated ITRS procedure of having two day meetings withwith some time dedicated to bilateral meetings among specific domains and plenary sessions to ensure coordination with specific application sectors. Two plenary sessions will, respectively, open the Workshop to clearly define the goals and close it with a recap the progress on each domain. Use of professional facilitators is foreseen to improve the dialogue between applications and technology experts.
Schedule: Tuesday 12 April, 2016: 9:30-17:45 Location Maison Minatec |
9:00 - 9:30 | Welcome coffee and badge registration |
9:30 - 9:45 |
Introduction (Fr. Balestra, 10’) - Sessions mechanics (P. Corsi, 5’) |
9:45-12:45 |
Session 1 |
12:45 - 14:00 |
Lunch (buffet, ground floor) |
14:00-14:10 |
Introduction (E. Sangiorgi, 5’) - Session 2 mechanics 2 (P. Corsi, 5’) |
14:00-18:00 | Session 2 Project Task (or WP) Leaders Technology Areas Synthesis (plenary) 10 task leaders present 10 tech area; template 2 (10 x (10mn + Q&A 5 mn)) + break = 3:20h Task leaders augment templates with Q&A synthesis performed by Task experts (as direct input to Day 2) 15:45- - 16:15 Coffee Braek |
9:15- 9:25 |
Introduction (E. Sangiorgi, 5’) - Sessions mechanics (P. Corsi, 5’) |
9:25-12:45 |
Session 3: |
14:00-14:10 | Introduction (E. Sangiorgi, 5’) - Session 2 mechanics 2 (P. Corsi, 5’) |
14:00-16:00 | Session 4:Cross synthesis (plenary) The 6 Tasks tech areas groups prepare and report synthetic output in plenary (6x15mn) With revised Template 3 and new inputs to Template 1 Conclusion and Next steps (30mn) |
For enabling NEREID's promotion, reporting and dissimmination please fill in the authorization of Image rights form below and return a scanned version to Sylvie Pitot (Sylvie [dot] Pitotgrenoble-inp [dot] fr) by April 8, 2016.
For travelling information, reimbursement conditions for invited experts and the templates for reimboursement see below.
10 rue Barbillon ‐ 38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 46 36 44
26 av. Alsace‐Lorraine ‐ 38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 46 24 32
E‐mail: touringwanadoo [dot] fr
45, avenue Félix Viallet – 38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 87 00 71
E‐mail: hotel [dot] desalpeswanadoo [dot] fr
10 Place de la Gare ‐ 38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 87 24 33‐Grenoble,Best‐Western‐Hotel‐Terminus,93485
7 place Robert Schuman, 38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 70 84 84‐1624‐novotel‐grenoble‐centre/index.shtml
‐ 20 mn by tramway B direction “Grenoble Presqu’Ile” stop at “Cité Internationale”.
5 place Victor Hugo – 38000 Grenoble
‐ 25 mn by tramway B direction “Grenoble Presqu’Ile” stop at “Cité Internationale”.
22 place Grenette
38000 Grenoble
Tel: +33(0)4 76 46 16 94 hotel [dot] europe [dot] grewanadoo [dot] fr