NEREID: NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination

Coordination Action (CA) within the Horizon 2020 ICT Work programme shows first results, but there are still things to be done …
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Publishing Date: 
Mon, 2017/12/18
Found at: 
newsletter edacentrum 01/02 2017

NEREID is a Cooperation and Support action that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685559, with the objective to develop a roadmap for the European Nanoelectronics industry, starting from the needs of applications and leveraging the strengths of the European eco-system. In addition, it will aim to an early benchmark/
identification of promising novel technologies in nanoelectronics, and identify bottlenecks all along the innovation value chain.

Highlights of the NEREID project, which has a duration of three years, are three general workshops aiming at gathering the needs of the main application sectors, and specific workshops that will define the roadmaps of the different technology domains, with a broad involvement of leading experts from industry and academia. In September 2017, the project has published the first version of its roadmap on the future of European Nanoelectronics which is roughly summarized in this report.

Download of the NEREID Mid Term Roadmap is possible at the NEREID website:

NEREID invites all interested experts to join the elaboration of the roadmap. Just contact Ralf Popp at poppatedacentrum [dot] de.