Deliverable 7.1: Web-site available on line

Author: Ralf Popp, edacentrum GmbH, DE


To foster the integration of the NEREID results into expert’s knowledge, the NEREID website ( has been published as an open access interface explaining purpose and structure of the project, acting as repository of all public documents and information material, with information on dissemination events and an area for comments and suggestions. NEREID’s Exploitation and Dissemination Manager will actively foster the integration of other major roadmap initiatives (e.g. ITRS, ECSEL MASRIA,..), related web portals, groups, companies, and research projects into this network, while special attention is paid to the aspect of interdisciplinary knowledge transfer. By including a wide spectrum of such groups, the dissemination platform allows a broad and sustainable visibility also beyond the project’s life-time useful for future roadmap activities. The concept is supported by dissemination events, press releases and participations to other related conferences to sensitise the public community to the overall goals.
The web-portal of D-7.1 is the most important step to NEREID’s dissemination. It will be extended to an Electronic Dissemination Platform (EDP) during the project’s life time. The portal will serve as a centre of excellence, where all parties relevant to the NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe can connect and exchange knowledge. Basic functionality has already been set up and initial services have been provided. This document gives information about the current status of the website and EDP respectively.

Publication Date: 2016/05/15

Location of Publication: NEREID website

Keyword: System Design
